Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Update on surgery

Keenan was a total trooper!!!!! We had an answer to prayer for his level of anxiety indeed. A few tears when he left us, but he was not distraught by any means. Praise the Lord, for He is good!!!

I just talked to his nurse at 3:45 pm and they had just started the procedure. The surgery will take 3-3 1/2 hours and then some time in recovery, so it will probably be 7-8 before he is finished.

We are excited and anticipating great things. Between God and this extraordinary doctor, he is in great hands.

More later....


Amy said...

You are all in our prayers. Thanks you for letting us share in this journey with your family. Take care and thanks for the update:)

sjeanboyd said...

Praise God from whom all the blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amem

Love Grandma Sondra

WillhiteFam said...

Praising God & as we prayed the boys asked, momma can kee walk now! My answer was, not yet, but soon! Not yet my friend, BUT SOON!
Your dreams for him could very well be coming reality! We are so excited to hear how each day Our Healer & Physician touches him & causes him to get stronger. Don't forget when we pray we can ask for exceedingly more & expect that God will do above & beyond what we can imagine! Love you all, E for all of us

Unknown said...

So glad it all went well! He will never be the same! :-) God is so good... can't wait to see him on video. So proud of you Kee!! You're a trooper!! Love you!


Anonymous said...

Keenan...it was so great to hear from you this morning. I hate that I can't be there, but hearing your voice was a close second. Hang in there buddy! We are praying for you. Love, T, T, and G!

Anonymous said...

Tammy, Brad & Sweet Keenan,
I've been trying to think what I could say to just express myself a little better. I love you so much and I pray daily for you. I decided to turn to the Book and find some words to express myself.
1 John 4:12 & 13 NKJV "No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His Love has been perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because he has given us of His Spirit." God is Good and God is Love. He will hold Keenan and keep him comfortable until the pain subsides. I will keep praying for comfort and healing. Tammy I love you and Mother to Mother I know this is hard, you're an inspiration and I am humbled by your spirit!
Love you so much!!

Jennifer & the May Family

polson@usd402.com said...

So glad for all the good news! I continue to think of you and uphold all of you in prayer! Keep on!

Christy said...

Hey Kee~ we are praying for you! We love you dearly. You are very brave. I wish I could give you a hug but know we are lifting you up.

Love ya!

Christy and family